Quick Easy & Healthy Mediterranean Breakfast Ideas For Kids

The health benefits of following a Mediterranean diet are well-established. A Mediterranean diet includes whole-grains, up to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily, consumption of fish and chicken while limiting red meat, and restricting intake of unhealthy fats. It is good for the heart and has been proven to reduce the risk of diseases […]

A Sample of a Diabetic Diet Menu

Individuals learning to either control or prevent diabetes through proper nutrition and dietary habits can benefit from using a good diabetic diet as an example. Eventually one will become comfortable controlling diabetes with diet and will learn the best diet for a diabetic with their needs. Until then, creating one’s own menus and meal plans […]

History of the Mediterranean Diet

Thanks to Flixflickr While fad diets and cosmetic surgery continue to offer patchwork (and often dangerous) solutions to the growing problem of the overweight and obese Western population many are finding that an adherence to the traditional and historic Mediterranean diet presents one of the most simple, effective alternatives and solutions. To examine the typical […]

Does the paleo diet food pyramid is better than the Med diet? Wanna be a caveman?

A new study confirms the health benefits of the paleo diet for people with diabetes but is it all?

True nutrition info about low carb foods in the Atkins diet

Here a series of resources about the real heart risks of the low carb diet called Atkin’s

Your heart need the Mediterranean – Interview with Emilia Klapp

Interview with the author of Your Heart Needs the Mediterranean Diet, Emilia Klapp that explains us how to stay healthy

Comparing the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid

Compare the Mediterranean diet plan with the other diet pyramids and discover in what points they are similar. Follow a general view on the list of foods to buy for the Mediterranean diet daily plan

How we have lost our good diet behavior – Poor children…

A news study reveals how children choose a food by theirm marketing pressure exposition…how we lost our mediterranean diet behaviors

How a good diet pyramid helped a 90 years old man to climb a 3.000 meters Mountain

Discover how can you live to 100 years with the Mediterranena diet principles…

Mediterranean 2 – Mc Donald’s 0 : Do we need a fast food?

A simple over view of the health effects of the Mc Donald’s diet and the Mediterranean diet menu.