The Best Foods to Detox Your Body

Sick of feeling lethargic, fatigued, and fat? Well, a detox could possibly be for you! Try reducing refined carbohydrates, alcoholic beverages, dairy products, and caffeinated drinks from your current diet, and start including these foods to feel completely renewed. Cabbage: Cabbage (92% water) is known for being an excellent way to obtain fiber, minerals, and […]

4 Super Nutrients that Slim You Down

Monounsaturated Fats Adding more monounsaturated fats in your daily diet can help you shed pounds by shuttling excess fat away from your waistline. A 2007 research published in the Diabetes Care journal revealed that people under a diet plan high in monounsaturated fat lost more fat from their stomach compared to other diet plans [1]. […]

5 Breakfast Mistakes that Cause Weight Gain

We all know breakfast is essential, but what we don’t know about the breakfast could pack on the pounds! Juices You may be thinking that gulping down a glass of fruit juice is a good way to start the day, but the majority of store bought varieties are full of sugar. A much better idea […]

7 Healthy Foods Thin People Love

Spinach Whether it is blended into a healthy smoothie, baked into noodles, or put in a healthy salad, there is no way you can go wrong with this super anti-oxidant. Our favorite way to eat it is in the form of a Spinach Omelette! Hummus When you really need a break from the oven, make […]

Best Protein Sources to Lose Weight Naturally

Proteins are a calorie sizzler and an immune system booster. An excessive or too little amount of this stuff can put at risk your well-being. Proteins are long chains of amino acids. Once proteins have been digested, our bodies will break them down in new building blocks of amino acids (like children’s building blocks) in […]

7 Superfoods for Weight Loss

Eating healthy foods will help you lose 1-2 pounds a week by reducing food cravings. Apples Chomping an apple before a meal with pasta, will help you eat fewer calories. Plus, apples may help prevent metabolic syndrome (MS), a condition marked by excessive abdominal fat. [1] Healthy eating ideas: Cut a medium apple and sprinkle […]

The 6 Worst Snacks for Your Body

A nutrient-rich snack will help keep cravings under control and up the nutritional value of your diet. The most popular snacks (even those that seem healthy) are stuffed with sodium, sugar, extra calories, and in some cases dangerous chemicals. Potato Chips Potato chips have added fat, calories, and salt, they have a high glycemic index, […]

Top 10 Natural Appetite Suppressants

Eat these foods to stay full eating fewer calories! Almonds Just a handful of almonds is a good way to get antioxidants like vitamin E and the mineral magnesium. Almonds increase feelings of fullness and help with weight loss, as outlined by a study presented by the Purdue university [1] Flaxseeds Ground or whole, flaxseeds […]

The Worst Drinks for Your Body

What’s the best way to cut up to 500 cal. a day? Here’s a list of the worst beverages for your body, wellness, and body weight, and what drinks are good to reduce calorie consumption and lose fat. Juice Drinks Labels like “juice drink” or “juice cocktail” may be used to describe a colored sugar […]

5 Foods a Nutritionist Would Never Eat (And why you shouldn’t either!)

Rice Cakes Although considered diet foods, most of their healthy claims may mislead people who want to lose weight. Rice cakes have a glycemic index of 91 [1] while pure glucose has an index of 100. This means they will skyrocket your blood sugar level quickly. This is dangerous for your health and bad for […]