Archives for June 2011

Stop Potato Weight Gain

The majority of us are aware that those French fries, potato chips and cheese filled potato skins are not the healthiest options for snacks or sides to a meal. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that mashed potatoes, baked potato or any other form of potato you might enjoy causes weight gain in most individuals. A study […]

2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil A Day Keep the Doctors Away

People have long known of the heart healthy fats found in olive oil, but a new study published in the journal of Neurology says that there is a link between olive oil consumption and a lower risk of strokes in people over 65. Of the 7,625 French participants, in different cities, researchers found that those […]

New USDA MyPlate Food Guidelines

The United States Department of Agriculture, or USDA, has replaced the traditional food pyramid with new guidelines to help Americans eat a healthy diet. Promoted by First Lady Michelle Obama, the USDA’s new “MyPlate” guidelines are simple to understand and easy to follow when compared to the previous food pyramid guidelines. The imagery of MyPlate […]

Simple Ways To Protect Yourself From Nasty E. Coli Infections

Escherichia coli bacteria, known simply as E. coli, are relatively harmless bacteria that live in your intestines. The bacteria can cause short bouts of diarrhea, a common problem in travelers to third world countries. But usually, there is no real cause for concern. However, the Mayo Clinic reports that a few nasty strains of E. […]

Super Speed Your Metabolism With Food

Many of us mistakenly think of the metabolism as this stable system that is unique to each person. Some people just seem lucky. They are always full of energy and can eat whatever they want while maintaining a body to die for. While the rest of us frustratingly frolic on and plateau at some less […]