Super Speed Your Metabolism With Food

Many of us mistakenly think of the metabolism as this stable system that is unique to each person. Some people just seem lucky. They are always full of energy and can eat whatever they want while maintaining a body to die for. While the rest of us frustratingly frolic on and plateau at some less efficient caloric rate of efficiency. Well thankfully there’s some good news. It’s not that simple!

Exercise and the amount of calories we consume are commonly known factors in determining our metabolic rates. What may surprise you is that certain types of food can play a key role in actually speeding up our metabolism as well. The metabolism converts all food into energy. So you could say that all food can speed your metabolism. But then there are those few that have more bang for their caloric buck.

Lean sources of protein supply more energy for building and maintaining muscle which will in turn increase your body’s daily caloric needs. With meals high in protein, up to thirty percent of the energy is needed for digestion. Choose to eat lean meats such as chicken, turkey, and fish. Any type of nut or legume is a wonderful way to load up on plant based proteins.

Spicy foods containing catechins such as salsa, mustard, and chili peppers are referred to as thermagenic foods. They keep your body warm on the inside and have been found to help aid in burning more calories for up to three hours after digestion.

Consider beverages for boosting the metabolism. Though not spicy, Green Tea has been found to contain a high amount of catechins and can help burn fat faster. Ice cold water helps because it lowers the body’s temperature causing the body to use more energy to raise it back to a normal temperature.

Fruit and whole grains are important as well. Fruit that is high in vitamin C can aid the immune system which directly effects the metabolism’s efficiency. Whole grains have more complex carbohydrates causing the metabolism to stay active longer.

Try to eat five to six times a day
. When you spread your calories throughout the day your metabolism will stay up and running. For breakfast you can have a grapefruit and whole wheat bagel. Lunch can be a turkey sandwich loaded with healthy toppings such as lettuce, tomatoes and banana peppers. Try a vegetarian chili for supper and kick the heat up a notch. Snack in between meals with light convenient foods such as almonds, or yogurt for the occasional sweet tooth.