Archives for January 2011

What’s the Daily Recommended Sodium Intake ?

Many people have heard that they should limit their sodium, or salt, intake, but are not sure what they should limit it to or why. The following should help explain the ins and outs of sodium. Why do we need sodium in the first place? Sodium helps regulate the amount of fluids in the body. […]

The Nitrate Content of Spinach Increases the Energy Efficiency of Our Body

For half a century, the inorganic nitrate was associated with adverse health effects, but more recently have started to get evidence to show otherwise. In 1990, a research group at Karolinska Institutet has shown that the body can convert nitrate to NO (nitric oxide), a molecule involved in many important body functions such as regulating […]

World Cancer Day: Nutrition and Physical Activity Against Cancer

Today we celebrate the ‘World Cancer Day’. The World Cancer Day, organized by Uicc, the International Union for the Control of Cancer (UICC) with support from WHO, the World Health Organization, to inform the public on issues related to the cause of death in world. According to WHO estimates, there are 84 million cancer deaths […]

Nutella as Part of a Nutritious and Healthy Breakfast … in court

How many times have we heard this slogan in ads in North America? But it is precisely the definitions of “nutritious” and “healthy” that the Ferrero (the company that makes Nutella) was taken to court by a woman in San Diego. The lawyers of Athena Hohenberg – mother of a child of four years – […]

30 Days Diet Menu Planning Ideas

The Mediterranean Diet is not only one of the healthiest diets; it is one of the easiest diets to follow. Based on the cuisine from the Mediterranean region, this diet consists mainly of fish along with lots of fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Less high-fat meats and lower-fat plant proteins are widely consumed. The […]

How do I reduce my Husband’s Apron of Fat ?

As men age, many of them develop extra belly fat, that tends to accumulate and hang over their pants. This is known as an apron of fat. This fat can be stubborn, and hard to lose, but it is definitely not impossible. If your husband has started to gain this belly fat, the key to […]

What Can I Do to Lower My Glycemic Index ?

Why is it better to eat a diet with a low glycemic index? How can I lower my glycemic index? The glycemic index is used as an indicator of a particular food’s effect on the body’s glucose, or blood sugar level. Research has shown that high glycemic index foods tend to increase glucose levels. Also, […]

A Balanced Diet to Eliminate Trans Fats

A balanced diet needs a reduction of trans fats, even if they are contained in delicious food. What? The so-called junk food (chips, burgers, fries and sweets packaged). We know that all these foods are undermining the line and health, increase the value of cholesterol and put a strain on the arteries and heart. I’m […]

Guidelines to Plan Your Hypertension Diet Menu

The Mediterranean Hypertension Diet Plan is the best for preventing, controlling, and curing hypertension and other bodily diseases. This hypertension dietary advice will get you right on track with its hypertension diet improving your heart health. By now, you must get the idea of the Hypertension Diet Plan: Fruits and Veggies at every meal and […]

Can Pneumonia Cause Asthma ?

There are over 30 microorganisms that can cause pneumonia, the most common being the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria, the influenza virus, and the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). A pneumonia infection caused by one of these microorganisms will not cause asthma. Another common cause of pneumonia is the Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria. Pneumonia resulting from an infection caused […]