How do I reduce my Husband’s Apron of Fat ?

As men age, many of them develop extra belly fat, that tends to accumulate and hang over their pants. This is known as an apron of fat. This fat can be stubborn, and hard to lose, but it is definitely not impossible. If your husband has started to gain this belly fat, the key to getting rid of it will be changing his diet.

Most trainers and dietitians have acknowledged that weight loss is 80% diet, and 20% exercise. An unhealthy diet will facilitate his accumulation of belly fat. You should make sure your husband avoids foods that are fried, processed, refined, and high in saturated fats.

What he should have in his diet are lean meats, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, such as leafy green vegetables, whole wheat grains, brown rice, and low-fat dairy. He should also stop consuming beverages with empty calories, such as soda, which is full of sugar. Losing the belly fat will be helped along by cardiovascular activity. This can include jogging, walking, and jump-rope.

If your husband is not used to exercise, he should start slowly with a daily walk to get himself moving. This is an effective way to burn some calories, and lose fat.