Archives for July 2007

Here 3 main points where the Mediterranean meals succeed where other diets fails

A simple analisys of the main diet failures and how to resolve them by following the Mediterranean diet principles

Who also wants to make pharmaceutical companies rich?

This Mediterranean diet is incredible! Every week there is a new research that confirm it’s superiority respect the other diets

How a good diet pyramid helped a 90 years old man to climb a 3.000 meters Mountain

Discover how can you live to 100 years with the Mediterranena diet principles…

Mediterranean 2 – Mc Donald’s 0 : Do we need a fast food?

A simple over view of the health effects of the Mc Donald’s diet and the Mediterranean diet menu.

Are you sure of the advices provided by trusted weight loss forum? A study reveals it

Here you are what are the best diet and weight loss forums

New information on the effects on your health – Did you know…?

News and updateds on the positive effects of the Mediterranean diet…another victory!!

List of foods considered fat burning – How many doubts on this topic…

How many tricks there are on the net about weght loss diets…understand how to prevent them by following the mediterranean diet principles

Comparing of the Paleo diet menu – What’s the best?

What’s better? The paleo or the Mditerranean diet? Come on and discover it…