Who also wants to make pharmaceutical companies rich?

Do you think the Mediterranean diet is only a weight loss diet?


Discover what are its main benefits and healthy properties…


I like search on the web to find trusted researches that confirm the positive health effects of this dietary pattern. In the first time I’ve found these ones.


In this week I’ve found other interesting researches and studies:


Mediterranean plan can prevent asthma and chronic bronchitis

This study comes from Hamburg. The researchers say that foods commonly eaten in the Mediterranean menu like vegetables, fruits, whole grain products, nuts, fish and olive oil, lower the risk of developing a chronic respiratory condition by about 50%.


Has been confirmed that who eat too little fruit, vegetables and consume too few vitamins and minerals ( polyphenole contained in red grapes, beta-carotene, found in oranges, apples and fresh tomatoes and nuts that contain cell-protecting vitamin E and magnesium) are at greater risk of developing asthma and allergic disorders.


Long-term adoption of a Mediterranean diet is associated with a better health status

A 2004-2005 study on 53 men and 97 women between 65-100 years in Cyprus, found that the adoption of the Mediterranean diet was evaluated against the presence of cardiovascular risk factors like hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and obesity.



The Mediterranean Diet may actually help diabetics

A recent Australian study for 10 years on 40,000 men and women.suggests that eating the way of the traditional Mediterranean Diet (vegetables, fruit and fish with less red meat) may help diabetics.


This starts from the evidence that Mediterranean immigrants to Australia had a lower death rate from heart disease than native Australians.

“Those people in our study that were in the highest category of the Mediterranean foods pattern (i.e. most frequently consumed traditional Mediterranean foods) had a 30 percent lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared to those who were in the lowest category,”

Dr. Harriss told Reuters Health.

And you? Do you prefer to increase the fast food or Fad diets profits?


Or want to try to be a potential centenary as the Dr. Keys who discovered the benefits of the Mediterranean diet?