Is Your Routine Diabetes Proof ?

Making these tiny tweaks to your daily lifestyle may help you prevent the onset of Diabetes type 2…it’s expected that by 2050 1 in 3 Americans will be diabetic… Here are three ways to beat diabetes. Flex your muscles Strength training is an important part of helping control your diabetes. While aerobic exercise is important, […]

Is Milk As Vital To Us As We Thought?

In 2006, the highly respected British Medical Journal published an article addressing dairy foods, stating that childhood obesity is rising in highly-developed countries and that dairy is one of the main contributors to fat and sugar in children. Dairy, the main source of calcium that is touted by many national nutrition guidelines, can also contribute […]

The Only Word You’ll Need for Breakfast is “Whole”

Breakfast cereals are not all created equal. To find the most nutritionally complete cereal, you need to become an ingredient list expert. The most beneficial word found on a cereal label is “whole.” You are specifically looking for the term “whole grain.” All other expressions like multigrain, bran, even 100% wheat are misleading because while […]

How to Leave Cravings Behind

Dieting individuals struggle with issues like cravings periodically throughout the weight loss process. Some people constantly fight cravings for heavy, starchy, rich foods while others fight sweeter cravings. For those who struggle with chocolate cravings while on plans like the Mediterranean diet, a short walk might do the trick, research says. New research published in […]

Some Facts to Keep in Mind the Next Time You Feel a Snack Attack Coming On

The time it takes to lose the weight that is gained by eating snacks from a vending machine adds up almost as fast as the extra calories. Snacks are usually dense in calorie content, making them expensive in terms of the effort that is required to burn an equivalent amount of energy. Some vending machine […]

How I Ditched Junk Food with the Mediterranean Diet

If you have become addicted to junk food, fast food, foods fried in unhealthy fats and full of empty calories– you are not alone. I’ve been there. Unfortunately, unhealthy eating is a way of life for a lot of us. One of the hardest parts of restructuring your diet is eliminating the junk food addiction. […]

Good Mood Munchies

Have you been feeling abnormally stressed or down these days? At times it seems like our lives are overly hectic, resulting in moods that are undesirable or distant. Research shows that our moods are strongly affected by the chemical balance in our brains. Incorporate the following foods into your daily diet to ensure chemical balance […]

What is the Best Time to Snack?

Snacking can be part of a healthy eating plan that leads to weight loss, but snacks should be healthy and only consumed in the afternoon. Snacking between breakfast and lunch often decreases the amount of weight lost by women who are eating healthier to lose weight. A report published in an American dietetic journal from […]

Who Needs a Plant Based Diet ?

With mounting health concerns over dietary issues, many people have come to believe that changing to a plant-based diet — focusing solely or mostly on grains, fruits and vegetables — is a healthier choice than consuming a diet containing a high percentage of animal products. However, there are concerns when changing to a plant-based diet. […]

Do You Get Enough Vitamin D ?

Most people don’t get enough vitamin D from just sunlight alone, so it’s important to plenty of vitamin D rich foods in order to ensure that your levels are sufficient. Not many foods are naturally rich in vitamin D, but many are fortified with various amounts. The best source of vitamin D is in the […]