Archives for May 2012

Probiotics or Prebiotics?

Are you confused by the difference between probiotics and prebiotics? While both contribute to a healthy colon, these substances differ from each other and serve different functions in the intestinal tract. What are Probiotics and Prebiotics? A prebiotic is a special type of not soluble fiber found in many fruits and vegetables that is used […]

Is Your Routine Diabetes Proof ?

Making these tiny tweaks to your daily lifestyle may help you prevent the onset of Diabetes type 2…it’s expected that by 2050 1 in 3 Americans will be diabetic… Here are three ways to beat diabetes. Flex your muscles Strength training is an important part of helping control your diabetes. While aerobic exercise is important, […]

Is Milk As Vital To Us As We Thought?

In 2006, the highly respected British Medical Journal published an article addressing dairy foods, stating that childhood obesity is rising in highly-developed countries and that dairy is one of the main contributors to fat and sugar in children. Dairy, the main source of calcium that is touted by many national nutrition guidelines, can also contribute […]

The Only Word You’ll Need for Breakfast is “Whole”

Breakfast cereals are not all created equal. To find the most nutritionally complete cereal, you need to become an ingredient list expert. The most beneficial word found on a cereal label is “whole.” You are specifically looking for the term “whole grain.” All other expressions like multigrain, bran, even 100% wheat are misleading because while […]