Archives for December 2011

Do You Really Need the P.I.N.K. Diet Method to Lose Weight?

What is the PINK Method Diet? PINK (Power, Intensity, Nutrition and Cardio with a K) promotes weight loss for women through exercise and healthy eating. The system comes with a 240-page nutritional guide with recipes and menu options, three workout DVDs, a bonus workout DVD that features yoga, PINK Method certificate, lifetime access to the […]

Do You Get Enough Vitamin D ?

Most people don’t get enough vitamin D from just sunlight alone, so it’s important to plenty of vitamin D rich foods in order to ensure that your levels are sufficient. Not many foods are naturally rich in vitamin D, but many are fortified with various amounts. The best source of vitamin D is in the […]

What is a Healthy Weight?

What is a healthy weight?. Basically, it is defined as one that provides lifelong health. Having a normal BMI (Body Mass Index) is a great indicator to how much fat to muscle ratio a body has. To calculate the BMI, simply divide the weight by the height in inches. For example, if a person weighs […]

How to Make a Healthy Mediterranean Style Sandwich?

Mediterranean sandwiches, culled from any of our favorite culinary cultures in the region, can mean many things. Some feature a truly stunning list of specific ingredients, and still others fall afoul of reason when it comes to fat content and carbohydrate load.