Tips on how to Stay Healthy, Happy and Fit

Eating a healthy diet can lower your risk for a number of serious health conditions, including cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Some foods are more beneficial for your health than others, but following a few simple rules can help you choose the best options.

First, at least half of your plate should be filled with vegetables, and you should vary the types and colors of vegetables you consume and minimize your consumption of very starchy vegetables. Vegetables are low in calories but filled with fiber and essential vitamins and minerals.

When you choose to consume grains, choose whole grains instead of refined grains and keep your portion size small. Whole grains contain more fiber, vitamins and minerals, and take longer to digest than refined grains so you don’t get as much of a spike in your blood glucose levels.

Instead of always consuming meat, base at least some of your meals around fish or vegetarian protein sources, such as beans. Beans are high in fiber and contain fewer calories and less fat than meat, and fish often contain heart-healthy omega-3 fats.

Don’t try to eliminate all fats from your diet. Although trans fats and saturated fats are not good for you, some fat is essential for a healthy diet. Just stick with unsaturated fats and consume them in moderation. Good sources include olive oil, avocado, nuts and dark chocolate.

If you to have a drink now and then, wine is a healthy option since the phytochemicals it contains may lower your risk for heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. However, stick to one or two drinks per day and do not drink if you have difficulty consuming alcohol responsibly.

Although eating a healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, can go a long way, in order to get the most health benefits you need to exercise as well. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week and add strength training twice a week. Choose an exercise you enjoy to make it easier to complete your workouts.

Become more active throughout the day by taking simple steps like parking at the far end of the parking lot, walking or biking when feasible instead of using your car, using the stairs, and choosing more active pursuits instead of watching television.

It is also essential that you get enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep can increase your risk for weight gain and for a number of serious health conditions, so aim to get eight hours of sleep a night so you feel well rested the next day.

If you smoke, stop smoking since smoking is linked to health problems not only for you but for those around you as well.

Finally, you should try to reduce stress in your life, and learn to better handle the stress you can’t avoid. Try learning deep breathing methods, practicing yoga or meditating. Exercise can also help some people deal with stress. Avoid using food as a method for dealing with stress, instead call a friend, go for a walk, or use some other coping strategy.