The Spirit is Willing, and So Is the Body!

Staying young is not only for the vain, but more and more a necessity in the workplace and the personal lives of the modern man and woman. Fortunately, advances in science and vanity tend to complement each other, giving those people wishing for a younger look the technology to do so. Below are some tips to keep your body as willing as your spirit, because staying young is a way of life!

1. Sleep more. Who would have thought that the first thing to do to look and feel more youthful is actually to be lazier? However, many times it is the stresses and needless responsibilities we sometimes take on as adults which sap our youthfulness from us.

The body naturally restores itself when asleep. So trade in that late night horror movie (or bad episode of Letterman) for a glass of warm milk and get a good eight hours of rest every night. Six weeks is the time it will take to form this habit, so make it a point to prioritize sleep over the dirty dishes for the next month and a half.

2. Eat the right foods. You want vegetables, you want water, you want fruits. Certain regions of the globe tend to specialize in these types of foods, Greeks and Mediterranien among them. Try out the following delicious and healthy menu:

Breakfast: Coffee (yes, coffee has many health benefits as long as you do not overindulge!), a glass of goat or almond milk, a tomato, and a salty sardine.

Lunch: A Mediterranean pizza (all natural ingredients and toppings are olives and green peppers; make sure to use olicve oil)

Dinner: Lemon pepper chicken.

Meals such as this are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins that keep your skin and body young.

3. Weightlift. Yes, even for women, weightlift. Do not worry; you will not become a muscular giant overnight. That takes a special kind of weightlifting. Doing weight exercises with light weights and high reps simply adds to the potency of a cardiovascular workout by building lean muscle which helps to incinerate calories and give you more energy for fat burning workouts.

No system of the body functions in a vacuum. So do not neglect your muscular development while you are running like a hamster on the treadmill.

4. Keep your mind young. Take yourself back to your youth using music and new experiences. No less an authority than Harvard University tells us that our mind is the main limiting factor in achieving our youthful goals.