Yogurt Can Help Against the Food Allergies

From yogurt, surprisingly, a hope for the prevention and treatment of food allergies. According to some studies submitted by the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, being held in Venice, the lactic acid would be valuable for their anti-inflammatory and protective effects.

“Probiotics act by modulating the immune system and restoring optimal intestinal flora – says Maria Antonella Muraro, Congress president. This can help the body properly recognize the allergens, without trigger a response to food in itself harmless. ”

Moreover, according to the expert, “the lactic acid bacteria have a well-known anti-inflammatory effect, because they promote the production of inflammatory cytokines, which means that can help reduce the symptoms of food allergies, slowing the inflammatory events related to them.”

“Not all strains of probiotics have been shown to prevent or ameliorate allergies, also assays that have been successful are much higher than what can be achieved simply by eating yogurt.” The lactic acid bacteria lactobacilli seem to be the most promising to date, and ongoing studies are trying to assess the most appropriate dose to obtain beneficial effects on allergies.