Zinc is an Effective Remedy for Colds

There is a very effective remedy: the supplements of zinc can, according to recent studies, reduce both the severity and duration of cold symptoms. Previous researches have come to conflicting results. The new findings are published on the ‘Press Association ‘, in Cochrane Library.

The researchers analyzed data from 15 studies involving 1,360 people and concluded that taking syrup or tablets with zinc within one day after onset of symptoms of colds has beneficial effects visible within a week on both symptom severity and duration of the disease. The administration of zinc in children has also reduced the use of antibiotics too.

“These findings add to evidence of the effectiveness of zinc in the treatment of common cold – said Meenu Singh said from the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh, India – To date, however it is still difficult to arrive to a general recommendation, as do not know much about the optimal dosage or duration of treatment. ”

The hypothesis that zinc could be used against the cold had been endorsed by a study of 1984, but subsequent searches have not produced satisfactory results later on.