[Video] Diet and foods that naturally lower blood pressure

In this video dr. Robert Kowalski shares his tips on how to lower blood pressure with food.

He explains how to lower blood pressure with the Mediterranean diet.

The Mediterranean diet is so famous thanks to the studies conduced by Dr. Ancel keys (The father of the Med diet concept) about the lower heart disease rates of Mediterranean people.

The origin of this health benefits was attributed to their dietary patters.

Dr. Kowalski suggests to eat

  • Olive oil (rich of mono-saturated fats, good for cholesterol)
  • Avocados
  • Nuts
  • Fish, rich of omega 3 fatty acids
  • All not processed grains (i.e. withe bread)
  • Some dairy (cheese and yougurt) [See French low heart diseases rate]
  • Red Wine
  • Some low fat red meat like lamb
  • Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the best foods to lower high blood pressure. They have a special mineral that lower blood pressure, Potassium.

It balances the sodium (salt) amount, the main cause of high pressure.

By following this diet approach you can lower your blood pressure of 68 points.

Useful reading: