8 Weight Loss Mistakes to Avoid

Are you struggling to lose weight? If the answer is yes, know that you’re not alone. People all over the world have a difficult time shedding pounds. Many people develop bad habits without even realizing it. Here are eight issues that may be sabotaging your weight loss goals.

1. Big Plates And Bowls

When your dishware is oversized, you tend to eat bigger portions at each meal. The best way to combat this problem is to eat off smaller plates. Limit your breakfast to a two-cup bowl. As for lunch and dinner, try to eat off of 9-inch plates.

2. Portion Sizes Are Too Large

Eating large portions is one of the fastest ways to gain weight. When eating fruit during a meal, you only need half a cup. Vegetables should be limited to one and a half cups. If you decide to have some nuts or seeds for a snack, you only need half an ounce. During dinnertime, try to limit whole grains to one cup.

3. Red Meat And Chicken Skin

Consuming too much red meat is bad for your health. Since most red meat has a high fat content, it will keep you from losing weight. Besides red meat, avoid eating chicken skin. Most people are unaware that chicken skin is high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Removing the chicken skin from your meals is an excellent way to cut calories.

4. Too Many Snacks

When consumed properly, snacks are an excellent way to keep people healthy. If you want to lose weight, don’t snack too much. Try to eat healthy snacks. For instance, have a piece of medium fruit between meals. Another good snack is half an ounce of nuts or seeds.

5. Too Many Refined Grains

Although your body needs carbohydrates for energy, they can cause you to gain weight. Try to limit the amount of refined grains that you put in your body. Some of the bad items include soft drinks, pastries, white bread and potato chips. Replace these bad carbohydrates with whole grains, vegetables, fruit and legumes.

6. Too Much Sugar

Even though sugar tastes good, it can cause weight gain, heart disease and diabetes. One of the best things to do is replace the simple sugars in your diet with complex carbohydrates. Buy products like oatmeal, brown rice and whole-wheat bread. Adding more protein to your diet is also helpful.

7. Not Enough Calories to Sustain Metabolism

If you don’t consume enough calories, your metabolism may slow down. In the end, temporary calorie restrictions do more harm than good. Studies have proven that crash diets don’t work. Rather than starving yourself, the best way to maintain a healthy weight is to follow a plant-based diet.

8. Not Enough Exercise

Exercising is one of the best ways to lose weight. If you don’t get enough exercise, you aren’t going to see the results that you want. Try to get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three to four times a week. In addition, you should also add strength and resistant training to your workout routine.