Is South Beach Diet Healthy ?

What is the South Beach Diet?
The South Beach Diet is based on the concept of choosing food with good carbohydrates and fat over foods with bad carbohydrates and fat. Non starchy vegetables and oats are chosen over foods that have refined sugar like white bread and white rice. Also, omega-3 fatty acids in fish and olive oil are preferred over the saturated fats and trans-fats in red meat or butter.

Is the South Beach Diet healthy?

All three phases of the diet are healthy. In Phase I, sugars, processed carbohydrates, and fruits are eliminated. Phase I lasts two weeks and is expected to curb hunger and cravings for these types of foods. Phase II, continuing as long as the person wants to lose weight, reintroduces most fruits and whole grains. The maintenance phase is Phase III, and it lasts for life.

Phase I is the most challenging part of the diet. After Phase I, there are plenty of food choices so the dieter does not feel like there is an endless list of forbidden foods. In fact, Kraft Foods offers South Beach Living cereals, protein bars, and frozen entrees in grocery stores making the diet even easier to follow.