How Long Does it Take to Lose Belly Fat Post Pregnancy?

How long it takes to lose belly fat post pregnancy depends on how much weight you have stored as belly fat, whether or not you have had a c-section, and whether you breast or bottle-feed. Your diet and activity level play the most important role. Those who have a faster metabolism or take action to increase their metabolic rate will lose the weight faster than those who rely on diet alone.

The more you move, the more calories you burn. Your activity levels will play a large part in losing belly fat after baby. Increase your activity levels gradually as your body heals. If you have undergone a c-section, allow yourself more time to heal and follow your doctor’s advice regarding exercise and all activities.

If you breast-feed, you will burn as much as 500 extra calories per day. If you follow a healthy diet plan that would normally maintain your weight, you can lose a pound a week through breast-feeding alone. Add some healthy exercise, and you will see your belly snap back fast.

By following a good diet plan that restricts your calories by 500 a day and increasing your activity to include increasingly challenging workouts, you can lose the fat from a baby belly and tone your stretched abdominal muscles within a matter of weeks.