Best Hangover Food to Eat? Eat Honey and Milk!

How to dispose of the effects of a hangover? Aspirin, a lot of water and now a new British study conducted by the Royal Society of Chemistry and led by John Emsley has found that eating honey for breakfast the day after drinking a large amount of alcohol may be useful to better cope with a hangover.

Why? The credit is due to the fructose content in honey. Alcohol, in fact, is first distributed in the body as acetaldehyde, the toxic substance which is subsequently converted to acetic acid, and then burnt during normal metabolic process and decomposed into carbon dioxide.

The headaches and nausea that come after drinking too much, actually come from acetaldehyde and the hangover will disappear when it is converted to less toxic chemicals.

Drinking milk is useful to slow the absorption of alcohol in the body. According to Dr Emsley <>.