Best Weight Loss Foods Ever

When you eat high carbs or sugary foods, these foods cause a blood sugar spike and enter your bloodstream quickly.

Your body then releases the hormone insulin to drive that sugar from your bloodstream into your cells. Unfortunately, insulin spikes lock fat into your cells, so you can’t burn it for energy.

Fortunately, foods that are low in sugar, bad fats and high in protein, fiber, and antioxidants will give you more energy and help you feel better.

Add some of the following foods to your shopping list and use them to prepare three balanced meals and two healthy snacks each day. This will rev up your metabolism and improve your overall health.


Complex carbohydrates include fiber that can improve your health and slim your waistline.


According to research conducted at the University of Michigan, rats fed with blueberries had less belly fat than their traditionally fed peers. Antioxidants in blueberries can help protect against age-related cognitive decline too.


Cucumbers are high in fiber and water to help you fill up with few calories. But leave the skin on, as it contains immune boosting vitamin C and vitamin K, which is vital for healthy blood and bones.


Protein helps you feel full longer and leads to eating fewer calories later in the day. Try to get about 30% of your calories from protein.


With only 142 calories and 3 grams of fat, three ounces of cooked chicken breast packs 26 grams of protein, more than half of what you need in a day.


Use ground turkey just about anywhere you would use ground beef, but check the labels. Many ground turkey products contain significant amounts of higher-fat dark meat. Look for products labeled 95% lean.


A four-ounce serving of cooked black beans contains 215 calories, 8 grams protein, and less than a gram of fat. Compare that with three ounces of broiled lean sirloin with a whopping 6 grams of fat, most of which is saturated.


Greek yogurt contains twice the protein of other varieties. Look for low-fat, unsweetened varieties with live cultures, meaning it has probiotics. These bacteria help to improve digestion, boost your immunity, and may help control your weight.


Eggs are one of the best sources of protein and fat-burning choline, but remember the yolks are high in fat, so enjoy them in moderation. Try adding an extra white or two to make your omelet go a little further.


About a quarter of your daily calories should come from healthy fat.


Pistachios are a filling, heart-healthy snack that can help you lose weight. Removing the shells as you eat can help you be more aware of how much you eat, reducing portion size.


Extra virgin olive oil is high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and has been shown to increase levels of a hormone that breaks down fat.