Study: “Eat a Protein-Rich Breakfast to Curb Your Cravings.”

Let’s be perfectly honest, if you want to shed those ugly pounds, there’s no getting around the fact that you have to eat a protein-rich breakfast—especially if you have a sweet tooth.

It’s no secret that eating a hearty breakfast can help you switch off your body’s fat-storing processes for good.

Starting from today, you can pleasure all your cravings, satisfy your hunger attacks and shed those unwanted pounds from your stomach, hips and thighs on autopilot!

Now a new research from the University of Missouri confirms that it’s also the best way to kick your sugar cravings.

According to the study, women who ate a morning meal packed with lean protein experienced the best results when it came to both food cravings and fullness.

In fact, women eating a protein-rich breakfast went to lunch without experiencing any junk food cravings.

So, what is a healthy, high-protein breakfast?

Here are a couple of great breakfast ideas that feature plenty of protein:

Top Breakfast Foods


Quick oats

Start the day with a high-fiber breakfast. According to a recent Israeli study, women having a hearty breakfast lost more weight and had lower blood pressure levels than lighter breakfast eaters.


Low-Fat Greek yogurt

It’s one of the best breakfast foods around, and it’s also a creamy addition to any savory dish. We use it to make dips and sauces in lieu of mayo or cream. It’s also an excellent way to marinate white meats with fresh herbs.


Ground Flaxseed

Ground flaxseed is rich in fiber and healthy fats, which help stabilize your blood sugar. This way you’re less likely to binge on junk foods. You can sprinkle it over breakfast cereals, soups, salads, or add it to smoothies.


Nuts and Nut Butters

Sprinkle a Tbsp. of chopped nuts over your breakfast cereals, fresh salads, stir-fries, or low-fat Greek yogurt.

Top Breakfast Recipes

100% Whole-Grain Waffle Parfait

Simply top this breakfast favorite with frozen berries, low-fat Greek yogurt and ground flaxseed.

It’s healthy, yummy and you don’t need to add the syrup!

Power-Up Your Breakfast:

Smoothies offer fiber, antioxidants, protein, and healthy fats in one meal. They are a delicious high-protein alternative to a heavy, egg-centered breakfast.

Blend a frozen banana with any other fruit you like, unsweetened almond milk, and apple juice concentrate. Throw in a couple of kale or spinach leaves if you want a detox green smoothie.

Hearty breakfast.

A 100% whole grain sandwich with almond butter and apple butter will keep your hunger down. You’ll avoid craving attacks during the day.

Delicious Oatmeal

A hearty bowl of oats bumps up your feel-good hormone serotonin and it’s packed with slow-digesting fiber that keeps your blood sugar under control. Add cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Enjoy to your health!