Here’s How I Stopped YO-YO Dieting (And How You CAN DO IT Too)

The following tips can help you ward off weight gain and stop the YO-YO dieting effect that afflicts many of us after 40…Enjoy!

1. Quit Being a Couch Potato

To get a lean body and build that muscle you have to quit sitting during the better part of your day. Even if your job requires you to sit or stay at one position, try getting a routine that will include some exercise and stretching.

2. 15 Is the Number to Keep in Mind

Research has shown that only five percent of people keep off the weight shed over a particular period of time. After tests, it was proven that it is easier to keep off weight lost and keep losing weight with time if you lose more than fifteen percent of your original weight.

3. Boost Your Berry Intake

No matter the type of berries you find delicious and mouth-watering, berries have been known to have chemicals that keep fat off. The polyphenol in a serving of berries help reduce fat cell formation, so make sure you add berries in your grocery list.

4. Be Committed and Consistent

Most people always feel the need to take a break or “reward’ themselves after meeting their goal. This does not mean you forget that calories are not on a break and forget your routine. Avoiding temptations and maintain the strategy yields the best results and avoids weight gain.

5. Get a Cup of Some Greek Yogurt

If you are not really a fan of Greek yogurt, try throwing in some berries or low-cal nuts to spice it up. The yogurt has more protein than fat, so the sour taste is worth every breakfast.

6. Settle for the right Protein

Not all protein is good protein. Halibut, for instance, ranks as the second most fulfilling food, just under potatoes. Have some well-cooked fish for dinner and forget the midnight cravings.

7. Incorporate Cinnamon in Your Meals

The good thing about cinnamon is that you can sprinkle it on almost anything you’re eating. Polyphenols are also present in cinnamon, and a little sprinkle keeps the fat at bay.

8. Never skip breakfast

Skipping breakfast has been proven to actually contribute to weight, so ensure you eat first thing. There is a reason as to why it is the important meal of the day, so always start your day with some Greek yogurt, eggs or some leftover dinner.

9. Pick the Right Tableware

This idea might seem too far-fetched, but according to studies and research, people consume less when the tableware is color red. This might be because the color red is a signal to stop. You could try eating from a salad plate for smaller portions.

10. Engage Your Partner

Couples that go to the gym together stand better chances of maintaining healthy habits and routines. It is also fun, and you get the much-needed motivation.