How to Lose Belly Fat Fast

“I struggle with belly fat and sweet eating at night. It really bothers me.”

Has this ever happened to you?

Let’s face it — belly fat is both unattractive and unhealthy. People who have more of an apple shape have an increased risk of heart disease and cancer, even if they are at a normal weight.

And even a few extra inches around your tummy may signify a build-up fat and plaque in your precious arteries.

Recent research from the Archives of Internal Medicine revealed that the larger your waist (It doesn’t matter what your actual weight is), the greater your risk of dying from:

• Cancer
• Lung disease
• Heart disease

Fortunately, the following delicious foods can help you reach your ideal weight and look great without even trying :-)


If lack of sun exposure has left you pale, the carotenoids in sweet potatoes can give you back some color.

Half a medium sweet potato contains twice the recommended intake of carotenoids.


One teaspoon of mustard contains only 5 calories, but research says mustard can boost metabolism 25% for hours.

Spread mustard on your sandwiches, or incorporate it into a marinade. The protein in the meat will further increase calorie burn.


Bloat can obscure even the most well-toned abs. Research shows eating a banana before a meal twice a day can cut bloating in half.

Bananas pack a one-two punch to beat bloat. First, they are a rich source of potassium that reduces water retention. Second, bananas contain nutrients that nourish beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can reduce gas.


Warmer weather means stronger UV rays from the sun, making skin protection even more important. Sunblock can block those rays from reaching the skin, but antioxidants, such as those found in tomatoes, can protect your skin from the inside.

One study found that participants who consumed tomato paste were 33% more protected against sunburn than those who didn’t.


Chilling cooked potatoes converts the starch into a resistant form that is harder to digest, so less of it ends up as belly fat.

Potato salad is just one way to enjoy cold potatoes. Try slicing baked potatoes and adding a dressing made from Greek yogurt, Dijon mustard, some chopped green onions, and a bit of fresh pepper and dill. Chill, and enjoy.