Kick Cravings & Shed Pounds From Your Belly

When you eat junk food, your body produces insulin. When that insulin goes out-of-whack, it does two horrible things.

1st It causes all the calories you eat to be stored as belly fat.

2nd It completely messes up your appetite, making you crave more sugary and calorie dense foods.

But just by knowing which foods to avoid and which one to swap, you can cut out hidden toxins so you’ll shed extra pounds, have more energy, and even help drop your bad cholesterol.

All without giving up the foods you love!

With a few simple strategies, you can slim down without even thinking about it.


Mindful eating doesn’t just make you more aware of what you’re eating, research shows you’ll enjoy your food more and metabolize it faster.

According to a study in the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, pleasure triggers relaxation, which promotes healthy digestion.


Research published in the journal Physiology & Behavior found that people responded to thirst with food more than half the time.

Even if you’re fully hydrated, drinking a full glass or two of water, plain or with a slice of citrus, before eating can help you cut hundreds of calories throughout the day, as much as 90% fewer, according to research in the journal Obesity.


Ideally, you’ll keep unhealthy snacks out of the house, but that isn’t always practical. Reorganize your pantry and fridge so that healthy choices are the first thing you see, and unhealthy choices are hidden, and you’ll find yourself mindlessly choosing the healthy snacks.


Adding black pepper and fresh herbs can help you lose weight two ways. Piperine, a compound in black pepper, decreases inflammation and the formation of fat cells.

A study found that participants served an aromatic meal ate significantly less than those served a dish with a milder aroma.


But have it at the right time. Studies show that those who snack in the afternoon consume fewer calories than those who snack before lunch. Afternoon snacks also tended to be higher in fiber and were more likely to include fruits and veggies.


Getting plenty of good quality sleep is critical for weight loss. In fact, research shows that poor sleep can interfere with your weight loss efforts by more than half by increasing ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and decreasing leptin, the satiety hormone. The less restful sleep you get, the more you eat.