Kick Cravings & Shed Up To 10 Pounds!

Let’s face it; years of on-the-go meals, easy access to junk food and excessive stress have trained our brains to expect a shot of sugar, fat, or salt at certain times of the day.

The more often you do this, the more the reward centers in your brain light up when you eat these foods, and the harder it becomes to resist the urge.

Any time you eat foods that are high in refined carbs or sugar, you experience a blood sugar spike. Your body responds by flooding your body with insulin, which triggers your cells to store that sugar as belly fat.

I know that many diets call for you to avoid bread, pasta, and other comfort foods. But wouldn’t it be awesome if you could beat cravings and shed belly fat without giving up your favorite foods?

Yes, it is possible to break your junk food addiction just like any other unhealthy habit. Even better, you don’t have to feel deprived.

What’s more, as you break your junk food addiction, you will learn how to crave healthy foods.

It’s no secret that eating a hearty breakfast can help you switch off your body’s fat-storing processes for good. And a recent research shows that a good breakfast can help you beat midday cravings and stay on track all day long too.

We asked our readers about their favorite breakfasts to provide you some excellent ideas to kick start your morning…Enjoy!

If you crave for something creamy…

Eggs scrambled with avocado and salsa and wrapped in a tortilla.

What makes it great: Salsa is a great way to sneak in an extra helping of vegetables, and the avocado adds a creamy texture and healthy fat that helps you absorb more of the antioxidants found in the salsa.

If you crave for something sweet…

Smoothie made with nonfat plain Greek yogurt with a teaspoon each of brown sugar and cocoa and a half-cup of fresh or frozen strawberries.

What makes it great: Yogurt contains protein to keep you going all morning while strawberries add fiber. Strawberries and cocoa satisfy sweet cravings with flavanols for your heart. For added fiber and a bit of crunch, top the smoothie with some whole grain cereal or flaxseed meal.

If you crave for something carby…

Half a banana and a whole grain English muffin topped with natural peanut butter

What makes it great: The protein in the peanut butter will help you stay full until lunch and it tastes great!

If you crave for something crunchy…

Sliced, boiled egg over a whole grain toast topped with raw almond butter and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

What makes it great: Boiled eggs can be prepared ahead of time and kept in the fridge and the protein keeps you going all morning. The cinnamon offers a bit of sugar-free sweetness.