Detox Your Liver & Shed Pounds Like Crazy! Here’s a Full Day on The World’s Best Diet…

Let’s be honest, when most people hear the word diet, they cringe.

That’s because most of the “diets” that people try are faddish.

Instead of dieting, you need to adopt a different dietary lifestyle.

Trust me, you’ve never enjoyed a ‘diet’ that’s easier, tastier or more effective than the Mediterranean diet!

That’s why you’ll absolutely love it. And why we are so happy to share this all-day eating plan with you.

Enjoy, to your health!

7 AM: Breakfast

Skip breakfast cereals and choose 100% whole grains (Puffed brown rice, oatmeal or corn flakes with almond milk is my favorite breakfast choice.)

Hidden sugar and highly refined carbs in most breakfast cereals can make you pack on 32 pounds in a year!

10 AM: Mid-Morning Snack

Recent research shows that eating just a handful of nuts a day could help you:

  • Slash your risk of cancer and heart problem
  • Live 20% longer
  • Flatten your belly

1 PM: Lunch

Always begin your lunch with a greens salad dressed with extra virgin olive oil and vinegar (apple cider or white wine vinegar).

Vinegar is a natural sugar blocker. Recent studies show that consuming vinegar right before eating carbs can lower blood sugar by 25%.

And having balanced blood sugar will help you avoid hunger attacks and food cravings later on the day.

3 PM: Afternoon Snack

Try a low-fat Greek yogurt with fresh berries and a drizzle of raw honey.

This is my favorite way to satisfy my sweet tooth without guilt and deprivation!

6 PM: Dinner

You can boost your protein intake –without extra fat– by adding a few ounces of beans to your salads, soups, or as a side dish to your meats.

Beans are naturally packed with antioxidants and heart-healthy fiber that fight inflammation and high cholesterol.

They also inhibit the digestive enzyme that breaks down carbs into sugar.

8 PM: Late-night Snack

Have a light, fiber-rich snack, such as popcorn.

Air popped popcorn is my favorite snack. It’s dirty cheap and has tons of heart-healthy fiber.

I like to season it with black pepper, garlic, parmesan and olive oil.


I usually drink 4 cups of this Mediterranean-style green tea during the day.

I simply put cinnamon and tea in boiling water for 5-10 min. Then stir in lemon juice and raw honey.

Recent U.S. research shows that just three to four cups a day of green tea could help you kick-start your metabolism and burn extra pounds without exercise.

Thanks for reading!