How to Fight Belly Bloat

You’ve overhauled your diet and workouts most days, and even though you’ve shed some pounds, those last few lbs. just won’t seem to budge. So what gives?

Nutritionists say that despite your best efforts to shed those pounds, there are some things that you may not even realize have a significant impact on your weight.

Let’s face it, environmental toxins and junk foods are everywhere. They can actually disrupt your hormones balance and make your body hold onto belly fat.

Everyone knows that a healthy diet and moderate exercise are the keys to getting that oft sought after flat belly.

To help you lose inches and improve your health, we’ve compiled the best tips from our readers who have lost up to 15 pounds without diet.

Here are some of the best ways to detox away your belly, ditch junk food & shed up to 15 pounds in a few short weeks…Enjoy!


When your digestive tract is running slow, your metabolism will too. Get things going in the morning with a cup of ginger tea. Add a half teaspoon of ginger to your favorite tea and enjoy.

As an added bonus, this morning beverage will help reduce salt and sugar cravings later. Other studies show that ginger, which has long been used to ease belly pain, can block inflammation.


When your sodium level is too high, your body holds fluids in your middle. Foods rich in potassium (like bananas) help your body get rid of this excess water weight. (Read below)


Look for varieties containing at least 70% cacao. The beneficial microbes in your gut love chocolate and convert it into anti-inflammatory compounds, according to research conducted at the American Chemical Society.

Take a slice of toasted sourdough bread, slather it with natural peanut butter, and top with sliced banana and a drizzle of melted dark chocolate (70% cocoa). This is our favorite daily snack to trick our sweet tooth.


It may seem counterintuitive, but if you’re holding onto excess fluid, the answer isn’t to cut back on your water. In fact, your body holds onto fluid in order to protect against dehydration.

Lose your bloat by drinking plenty of water and skipping excess alcohol, both of which can dehydrate you. Lemons contain diuretic compounds, so squeezing one into your water will help your body excrete the extra water.


The bleaching and processing used to make white flour strips grain of much of its nutritional value, and most of its fiber. Going with whole grains will give you more fiber and help move things along.

Plain air-popped popcorn (this does NOT mean the microwave variety) is considered a whole grain, with loads of fiber and antioxidants.

Hint: Air popped popcorn is dirty cheap and has tons of heart-healthy fiber. Adding seasonings such as cinnamon, black pepper, garlic or olive oil will boost its antioxidant load making a tasty low-calorie snack.


Fasting is an effective way to slim down quickly, but it doesn’t appeal to most people.

What you may not realize is that you fast every night, which is why your first meal of the day is called ‘breakfast.’

If you can stretch that period of fasting, the more time your body has to digest the food you’ve eaten during the day. Stop eating by 7 or 8, and eat your breakfast a bit later.

Giving yourself 12 or more hours overnight will give your digestive tract time to recover and flatten your belly faster.