Eat Like This and Shed 15 Pounds of Belly Fat Without Even Trying

“I struggle with belly fat and sweet eating at night. It really bothers me.”

Has this ever happened to you?

Let’s face it — belly fat is both unattractive and unhealthy. People who have more of an apple shape have an increased risk of heart problem and cancer, even if they are at a normal weight.

And even a few extra inches around your tummy may signify a build-up fat and plaque in your precious arteries.

If you’re serious about losing extra pounds and inches, a good breakfast is a must, but what are the best foods to eat?

You know iced cinnamon rolls or donuts are bad ideas, but plenty of seemingly healthy breakfast foods can set you back.

Trade in your usual morning fare for delicious and healthy choices that will get your day off to a slimming start.

When you crave toasty carbs…

…Enjoy peanut butter on 100% whole-grain toast!

Instead of a bagel with butter or cream cheese, with a whopping 340 calories and 50 grams of blood-sugar-spiking carbs, toast two slices of 100% whole-grain bread and top with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter.

This will cut 80 calories while providing an extra 8 grams of protein. Making this swap for only six weeks will help you take off a pound of fat.

Not a fan of peanut butter? Try some mashed avocado instead.

When you crave something fruity…

…Enjoy a piece of fresh fruit!

Swapping processed fruit juice for fruit will add healthy, filling fiber while cutting calories and sugar. Over a month, you’ll save 1,260 calories and 257 grams of sugar, the same as 78 Oreos!

Hint: Blend a frozen banana with any other fruit you like, unsweetened almond milk, and apple juice concentrate…it’s awesome!

When you crave something creamy…

…Enjoy plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit!

Greek yogurt is higher in protein than regular yogurt, but flavored yogurt contains up to 30 grams of sugar. Add a handful of fresh or frozen berries for flavor.

Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries are all loaded with super-healthy compounds that speed weight loss and boost your immune system.

Hint: Layer berries, flaxseed meal, and chopped nuts along with low-fat Greek yogurt. Sprinkle on cinnamon to sweeten.

When you crave something to get crackin’ …

…Enjoy eggs!

Eggs contain healthy protein and are high in choline, a fat-fighting nutrient that can help speed weight loss.

It’s no secret that protein is a potent calorie burner and an essential ingredient for losing extra pounds and keeping them off. It slows down the release of carbs and fat into your bloodstream while keeping you full longer.

This way you’ll be less likely to have cravings for sugary and fatty foods.

Hint: Boost your fiber intake by tossing in 1/2 cup of chopped red peppers to your scrambled eggs. You’ll get more than 100% of your daily vitamin C needs.