Eat Like This and Shed Up To 15 Pounds of Belly Fat Without Even Trying

No one wants to admit it, but we all have times when we get stuck, in many areas of our lives. Losing weight is no exception, sometimes the scale just refuses to move, despite our best efforts.

Experts refer to this as a weight loss plateau. It happens because our bodies are incredibly adaptable.

Every time you workout or eat better, you don’t just gain strength, but your body becomes more efficient in burning calories so you’ll need less.

Here are some of the best-overlooked ways to keep the scale moving in the right direction.

Read on for ideas, and then add a few to your shopping list.


One of the best ways to feel full and fight fat is to eat plenty of fiber. Research shows that fiber can help keep you from settling on a plateau because it’s so filling.

Try to get at least 30 grams every day from fresh produce and whole grains. If you need more encouragement, one study found that for every gram of fiber people consume, they consumed 7 fewer calories later in the day. That 30 grams could save you over 200 calories without even trying.


Water retention is a common cause of weight loss plateaus. While there may be many reasons for retaining water, too much sodium is the biggest culprit.

Just putting the salt shaker away may not be enough. The American Heart Association estimates that processed foods account for more than 75% of the average American’s salt intake.

Reduce your sodium intake by eating less processed food and reading nutrition labels.


While we’re on the topic of water, be sure to drink at least 8 ounces before every meal. A glass of water can help fill you up before you start eating, so you eat fewer calories.

One study found that participants who drank two cups before a meal consumed up to 90 fewer calories. In 12 weeks, dieters who simply drank water before meals lost an additional five pounds over those who didn’t.


You need to keep your eye on your goal, but focusing too hard can backfire. Give yourself some a day or two to recharge, physically and mentally.

While you’re at it, take a little time to evaluate your diet and exercise routines and decide whether it may be time to make some changes.


The scale gives you an objective way to track your progress but don’t make it the be-all and end-all of your efforts. Feeling healthier and more energetic, and having an easier time zipping your jeans are all great ways to know you’re still making progress.

Focus on weight loss as just one component of looking and feeling great, and you’ll be more likely to stick with it and enjoy the process.