Quick-Detox Plan to Drop up to 10 Pounds of Water Weight

How many times have you said to yourself: “Why, even though I do what I’m told, can’t I lose weight? What is wrong with me?”

Let’s face it, the older you get, the harder it is to shed those ugly pounds. Your muscle mass decreases, metabolism slows down and your body doesn’t burn extra calories as it once did.

It’s no secret that the Mediterranean diet could help you lose up to 2 pounds of ugly fat a week and shrink your belly in a few short weeks.

That’s why you’ll absolutely love it. And why we are so happy to share the detox tricks below to help you avoid belly bloating and drop up to 10 pounds without deprivation…enjoy!


Limiting your salt intake can do more than just reduce bloat, it can help you lose weight, according to researchers at the University of California.

They believe that excess salt triggers insulin production, which is responsible for converting sugar to fat.

Pepper can add flavor just as effectively, and the piperine in pepper could help you lose fat and reduce cholesterol.


As pasta cooks, the starches break down. This can cause blood sugar levels to spike and plummet, causing you to feel hungry sooner.

Cooking your pasta a little firmer can keep blood sugar levels more stable, keeping you satisfied and energized longer.


Drink at least 3 cups of green tea every day.

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called Catechins. These antioxidants have been shown to aid weight loss, specifically reduce belly fat, according to a study at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging.

Bonus: Adding some citrus juice (Lemon), allows your body to use more catechins.


Having veggies on the side is good, but sneaking them into your main dish is even better.

Penn State researchers found that those who ate meals based around veggies, such as stir-fry, consumed 350 fewer calories over the course of a day.

Try shredding or chopping carrots, zucchini, or other veggies and adding them to burgers, meat loaf, chili, or anything else.

Hint: Choose baked foods over fried. For example, make the low-carb carrot chips below and save yourself extra calories and carbs.

They taste fried but are guilt-free, and fried free!

– Preheat oven to 425°.
– Peel and slice carrots into French fry shaped pieces.
– Toss carrots with extra virgin olive oil, salt, and black pepper.
– Arrange carrots in a single layer on a baking sheet.
– Bake until slightly crispy, flipping every 10 minutes.
– Serve immediately!