5 New Ways to Ditch Junk Food & Shed up to 13 Pounds in a Few Short Weeks

If you want to reach your ideal weight, all you have to do is eat less and exercise more, right?

While this is true, it’s a massive oversimplification.

Let’s face it, reaching your health goals with willpower alone is like trying to empty the ocean with a teacup.

A new study conducted at Rutgers has discovered that overeating and food cravings aren’t a simple matter of lack of willpower. Researchers think that a chemical imbalance in the brain could be the cause of these uncontrolled behaviors.

That’s why you don’t need to feel guilty or weak-willed.

It’s time to replace willpower with a more effective strategy that pleases your cravings without guilt and deprivation.

Here are five essential foods that could help you detox away your belly, ditch junk food & shed up to 13 pounds in a few short weeks…It’s so Easy!

#1 Nerve-Calming Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is like a concentrated dose of calcium, which triggers the brain to produce feel-good neurotransmitters.

It also contains more protein than regular yogurt to help you slim down faster.

#2 Appetite-Quenching Avocado

Satisfy your craving for high-fat foods with a little bit of healthy monounsaturated fat like that found in avocado, olive oil, and nuts.

These foods could help regulate the hormones responsible for hunger and reduce craving attacks for several hours.

#3 Craving-Busting Skim Cappuccino

If you often find yourself snacking in the afternoon, try cappuccino instead.

Two separate studies have found the foam in cappuccino could help satisfy your appetite and quiet cravings. (The air in the foam makes you feel fuller.)

If caffeine tends to keep you up at night, consider the popcorn below to give you the same full feeling without a lot of calories.

#4 Gut-Healthy Bananas

If eating is your favorite strategy for coping with stress, try channeling your inner primate.

Potassium-rich foods such as bananas and potatoes could help your body get rid of excess sodium and water weight, minimizing your waistline.

#5 Relaxing Air-popped Popcorn

Popcorn could help your brain release a chemical associated with relaxation.

Hold the butter, as the fat will slow this process. If you typically munch on chips before bed, try sprinkling a little sea salt, pepper, olive oil or garlic over air-popped popcorn.