Detox Your Liver & Shed Pounds Like Crazy! Here’s the Ultimate One-Day Detox

You’ve overhauled your diet and workouts most days, and even though you’ve shed some pounds, those last few lbs. just won’t seem to budge. So what gives?

Nutritionists say that despite your best efforts to shed those pounds, there are some things that you may not even realize have a significant impact on your weight.

Let’s face it, environmental toxins and junk foods are everywhere. They can actually disrupt your hormones balance and make your body hold onto belly fat.

What could you do? Before you try to start over, try giving yourself a reboot with a simple 24 hour cleanse.

This easy detox plan will rev up your metabolism so you can hit your target weight. And it’s simple and delicious. What else do you need?

7:30 AM: All you need is “Whole”

Swap the sugary, over-processed breakfast cereals for whole grains.  Try oats, puffed brown rice or corn flakes with almond milk, ground flaxseed and raisins.

Sugar and refined carbs found in most breakfast cereals could pack on an extra 32 pounds in a year.

9:00 AM – Detox water

It seems counterintuitive, but the best way to beat water retention is to drink more detox water.

To make a delicious detox water, put six cups of ice into a pitcher and add water to make 2 quarts. To the ice water, add a couple of lemons or oranges (sliced), stir and chill in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Citrus fruits are high in antioxidants, particularly d-limonene, which is concentrated in the peel. The World Health Organizations says that d-limonene helps remove toxins and stimulate sluggish bowels.

10:00 AM – Boost energy with B6

Peel and freeze a large ripe banana and drop it in a blender with a bit of almond or rice milk for a mid-morning pick me up.

Bananas are an excellent source of potassium and Vitamin B6, both of which can fight the effects of too much sodium.

1:00 – Keep it going with this sugar-blocking salad.

Always start your lunch with a green salad drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and apple cider vinegar or white wine vinegar.

Vinegar blocks the absorption of sugar. Research has found that consuming vinegar just before carbs could reduce blood sugar levels by 25%.

Balancing your blood sugar reduces cravings and hunger pangs later in the day.

Steer clear of starchy carbs to further reduce bloat. Chicken or turkey breast strips taste wonderful with this salad.

2:00 PM – Brew up a cup

Green tea may well be the best beverage you can drink. Try steeping your tea with a stick of cinnamon, then stir in some lemon juice and a bit of raw honey.

4:00 PM – Beat hunger with a nutritious snack

Think of blueberries as a little sweet treat with a huge nutritious punch. A study conducted at Oregon State University analyzed more than 400 compounds for their immune boosting benefits. The study found that blueberries were especially high in immune boosting pterostilbene.

Try a cup of low-fat Greek yogurt topped with fresh blueberries and a bit of raw honey if blueberries alone are too boring.

6:00 PM – Round it out with dinner

Increase your protein without extra fat by adding beans to salads or soups, or make it a side dish with lean meats.

Beans are loaded with antioxidants and fiber that help lower inflammation and cholesterol, as well as blocking enzymes that convert carbs to sugar.