Amazing, Low-Carb Breakfast Ideas to Lose 7 Pounds (From Your Belly First)

What is the biggest mistake most people make with breakfast?

Believe it or not, the most common breakfast mistake is not eating enough. Fact is, while you sleep, your energy stores diminish as much as 80%.

When you don’t give your body fuel, it begins burning fewer calories and your metabolism drops like a stone.

This could explain why those who skip breakfast are approximately 5 times more likely to be overweight or obese than those who do not, according to one study.

The prevailing theory that eating too much causes weight gain is inaccurate. In reality, it’s the toxic foods that are converted to sugar that is responsible for much of the obesity and diabetes in the modern world.

Your mom always told you breakfast was the most important meal of the day, and she was partly right. What you eat for breakfast is also critical.

To keep yourself going all day and avoid mid-morning hunger, protein must be a large part of the meal.

Now, you could dump some protein powder in your smoothie, but why not look for some delicious, protein-packed foods to add to your morning meal?

Healthy proteins are critical for building lean muscle, which burns fat more efficiently, and helps you stay healthy.

Protein also keeps you feeling full longer and helps stave off cravings that can cause you to turn to unhealthy foods to get you through the day.

I hear you saying you don’t have time to prepare and eat a big breakfast, but it doesn’t have to take more than a few minutes to put together a powerhouse breakfast that can help you build lean muscle, avoid midday cravings, and help you get healthy.

I also hear you saying you don’t know where to start, but I have five delicious, high-protein breakfast ideas to fuel you up all day long.


No matter how you take them, eggs are not just packed with protein; they’re also a great source of omega-3s and amino acids. Toss in a half cup of chopped red peppers to add in fiber and a full day’s worth of Vitamin C.


Yogurt is a great food by itself, but you don’t have to eat it plain. Try adding a handful of fresh berries to a dish of fat-free Greek yogurt for a breakfast packed with protein, calcium, iron, and anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants that give berries their deep color, and can help you burn fat.


Wait, pancakes? Really? Yep, but you have to use the right mix. Skip the ones made with flour and opt for a high-protein mix like Mancakes or FlapJacked instead.


Spread a good, heaping spoonful of peanut butter onto a slice of whole-grain toast. Yum!

Peanut Butter and Jelly Protein Smoothie

Toss a cup of frozen berries into a blender with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter, two tablespoons of rolled oats, and a cup of almond milk, and blend until smooth.