24-Hour Fix to Detox Your Liver & Shed Pounds Like Crazy!

Let’s be perfectly honest, if you want to shed toxins along with excess weight, there are really only two ways to go about it.

  1. The first is a fasting cleanse that is likely to end with you right back in the old eating habits.
  2. The second strategy is slower but involves adding a few easy detox habits to your daily routine for effective, long-term results.

Can you guess which strategy we recommend?

The second approach will help you not only get rid of the toxins, but also keep them from reaccumulating. This way, the occasional indulgence won’t cause as much damage.

These four habits are manageable and effective ways to get you started…let’s discover some!


So you meant to eat a cookie and finished half the package. It’s over and done with. As soon as you stop beating yourself up over it, you’ll immediately start feeling better.

Research has shown that dieters who feel guilty about indulging lose less weight than those who consider indulging a way to celebrate, even if they’re just celebrating a good day at work.

Forgive yourself and resolve to do better. Then follow the next habit.


Baked goods, sweets, refined carbs. They’re all delicious, but they’re also loaded with glucose, a form of sugar that’s quickly converted to fat if it’s not burned for energy. A slice of cake isn’t a problem. Half the cake is a whole different scenario.

Whatever you eat for breakfast, be sure to enjoy this powerful detox smoothie first thing in the morning. It’s easy and full of fruits!

Cranberry Citrus Blast

Ingredients (Serves 2)

  • 2 cups fresh spinach
  • 1 1/2 cups water or almond milk
  • 1/2 cup cranberries*, fresh or frozen (may substitute any type of berries or pomegranate seeds)
  • 2 oranges, peeled
  • 1 banana

Toss the spinach in a blender with the water/milk and blend until smooth. Blend again with the rest of the ingredients. Enjoy!


Brew yourself up a delicious and soothing cup of green tea. Green tea is an excellent source of catechins, antioxidants known for accelerating the ability of the liver to use fat for energy and remove toxins.

According to a Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention report, these compounds can also help protect against cancer, so you won’t just look and feel better, you’ll improve your health, as well.

Bonus: Adding some citrus juice (Lemon), allows your body to use more catechins.


I know you feel fat after a weekend of indulging, but chances are you’re simply bloated.
Many binge foods, such as fries and chips are loaded with sodium, which causes fluid retention. Drinking fluid helps flush the excess sodium and fluid.

Citrus fruits are high in d-limonene, a compound that triggers the liver to produce enzymes that flush toxins from the body and stimulate the bowels. Citrus fruits are also one of the best sources of vitamin C, which could help your body reduce toxins and melt fat.

To make a delicious detox water put six cups of ice into a pitcher and add water to make 2 quarts. To the ice water, add two sliced lemons, stir and chill in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.