What Vitamins, If Any, Should You Be Taking?

Synthetic vitamins and supplements may not have the same long term protection against disease as the actual consumption of fruits and vegetables with the same nutrients. This finding has not been proven conclusively, but evidence indicates that single supplements cannot substitute for actually eating whole foods. People cannot continue bad habits and expect the same […]

Is Milk As Vital To Us As We Thought?

In 2006, the highly respected British Medical Journal published an article addressing dairy foods, stating that childhood obesity is rising in highly-developed countries and that dairy is one of the main contributors to fat and sugar in children. Dairy, the main source of calcium that is touted by many national nutrition guidelines, can also contribute […]

Just 15 Minutes of Daily Physical Exercise Can Increase Life Expectancy

Form a Habit, Change Your Life. Improving your life expectancy can easily be done with a commitment to daily exercise. I know, daily seems like a lot; but considering that habits are best formed through consistent repetition, you see that daily rehearsal secures success. Most of us have been there; two weeks into an every […]

High Flavonoids Foods List to Learn what are the Benefits of Flavonoids

In addition to helping you maintain a constant weight and have enough energy to get through the day, a well-balanced, healthy diet can enable you to think more clearly and reduce mood swings. In designing such a diet, it is important to pay attention to the amount and types of flavonoids, a particular group of […]

2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil A Day Keep the Doctors Away

People have long known of the heart healthy fats found in olive oil, but a new study published in the journal of Neurology says that there is a link between olive oil consumption and a lower risk of strokes in people over 65. Of the 7,625 French participants, in different cities, researchers found that those […]

World Cancer Day: Nutrition and Physical Activity Against Cancer

Today we celebrate the ‘World Cancer Day’. The World Cancer Day, organized by Uicc, the International Union for the Control of Cancer (UICC) with support from WHO, the World Health Organization, to inform the public on issues related to the cause of death in world. According to WHO estimates, there are 84 million cancer deaths […]

Oranges are Better than Vitamin C and Antioxidant Supplements

The mix of antioxidants and antimicrobials in oranges work much more effectively than do individual items separately. That’s why eating oranges is better than taking the vitamin pills. The study was carried out by a group of researchers at Brigham Young University (USA) and published in the Journal of Food Science. “There’s something in the […]

Best Foods List to Plan an Antioxidant Rich Diet Menu with Recipes

Antioxidants are nutrients which slow the damage caused when the cells in our body metabolize oxygen. During this metabolism, molecular bonds can weaken and split, resulting in free radicals, roaming by-products which quickly try to attach themselves to the nearest stable molecule, potentially causing damage. Free radicals are normal to an extent, sometimes triggered by […]

How to Prevent the Cancer of Breast with Diet

Several studies have shown that one of the best anti breast cancer diets is the Mediterranean Diet. The Mediterranean Diet is a diet that is based on the traditional diet of areas of the Mediterranean such as Crete, Greece, and parts of Southern Italy. Women in these areas have seen a lower incidence of breast […]

How to Cut the Cancer Risk by 12%

The Mediterranean diet (MD) has its roots with our Greek and Roman ancestors, inhabitants of the Mediterranean region that was the birthplace of modern civilization. The well-known staple of the Mediterranean diet, olive oil, was used by the Ancient Greeks as a substitute for animal fat, a food they deemed unhealthy. During the last few […]