Top 10 Natural Appetite Suppressants

Eat these foods to stay full eating fewer calories!

Just a handful of almonds is a good way to get antioxidants like vitamin E and the mineral magnesium. Almonds increase feelings of fullness and help with weight loss, as outlined by a study presented by the Purdue university [1]

Ground or whole, flaxseeds help you to stay satiated and fueled! They are the perfect addition to your natural yogurt, smoothie, or healthy salad because they contain a mixture of soluble fiber and essential fatty acids such as Omega-3.

Oat meal (much better if steel cut) suppress the hunger hormone ghrelin and also have slow-digesting carbs that will keep you fuller longer.

Caffeine, in conjunction with the anti-oxidants found in the coffee beans, can help boost metabolic process and manage your appetite. Just do not destroy those good benefits with an excessive amount of sugar or cream!

Green Tea
If you are not a coffee drinker, try drinking a cup of green tea, it will help you to stop impulsive snacking. Green tea has a substance that slows the rise of blood sugar levels. A more stable blood glucose means a longer sense of fullness! (Here, you will find a nice recipe for a green tea a là Mediterranean)

Dark Chocolate
A piece or 2 of dark chocolate (70% or more cocoa) could help reduce food cravings because its pungent taste signals the body to reduce your desire for food. In addition, dark chocolate has steric acid that slows digestion to help you feel fuller longer. Having a bit of dark chocolate with a cup of black coffee is a good way to avoid its pungent taste.

Apples require lots of chewing time, which will give your body more time to realize that you are no longer hungry. Apples help reduce hunger because contain dietary fiber and pectin, which help you feel full.

Tomato Juice
If you want to eat fewer calories, try to drink tomato juice (or other veggie juices) before a meal. Just be sure to drink the low-sodium varieties.

Next time you eat breakfast cereals, oatmeal, fresh fruit, or a coffee, sprinkle some cinnamon on it. Cinnamon (and other ground spices like ginger and cloves), helps reduce your blood sugar levels which helps to suppress your appetite.

Based on a recent research published in the journal Science Direct [2] , just 1/2 Tsp of sweet pepper might promote weight loss periods by relatively sustaining satiety and suppressing appetite. (You can try this quick weight loss spicy soup here)


[1] New study suggests that a breakfast including almonds may help to maintain fullness throughout the day:

[2] Reinbach, Helene Christine, et al. “Effects of capsaicin, green tea and CH-19 sweet pepper on appetite and energy intake in humans in negative and positive energy balance.” Clinical Nutrition 28.3 (2009): 260-265.