Eating Emotionally ?

You think to do something you like to do, and that thought lights up a full dopamine driven reward process inside your brain.

You try, but you just can’t get that craving out of your mind. You give in. Then, once you satisfy that raging hunger, you feel a new rush.

Your mind says, “Yeah! This is fantastic. I want more.” You need your fix.

A growing number of women and men are desperately looking for a solution to the same problem: “Why can’t I stop thinking about junk food? I feel like a junkie!

These cravings are the outcome of a reward system gone wrong. It does not take too much to activate this stream of brain chemicals: A name, a picture, or a smell can stimulate these cravings.

The more you feed the craving with false fixes, the less fulfillment you feel.

When false fixes dominate, you will set up a bingeing routine leading to an endless, vicious, false fix seeking cycle.

The best solution relies on the above brain mechanisms that got us into this mess. Here are some tricks to help you switch fake food fixes with healthy rewards…Right now!

1) Ask yourself: “Is it healthy?”

In a California Institute of Technology study, volunteers were flashed photos of various types of meals and asked which they would prefer to eat. That study demonstrated how taking into account the healthfulness of food before making a decision will probably help people avoid false fix foods and choose healthy fix foods.

2) Rely on Healthy Fixes

Eating nutritious meals, resting enough, regular exercise, gum chewing, diaphragm breathing, and gardening will help you drill health fixes into your brain.

Green spinach, kale, broccoli, green and red peppers, and beans are easy to plant and tend. Many studies discovered that spending time in nature calms the mind, allows us to better focus, and even improves mood and self esteem.

3) Fiber and Protein

Combine dietary fiber and healthy proteins together inside your meals. Studies have demonstrated that this combination takes longer to break down in the digestive system, which means you feel fuller for a longer period.

Some nice combinations may be:

  • Fruit + Low Fat Cheese
  • Fruit + Nuts butter
  • Celery + Peanut Butter
  • Wheat bran + Low Fat Greek yogurt
  • Carrots + Hummus
  • Peppers + Beans dip