11 Smart Swaps to Keep Your Wallet and Body Healthy

Grocers and food manufacturers have long since figured out that people will pay a premium for “health foods.” However, eating healthy does not have to be expensive. With a few smart swaps, you can slip through the corporate cracks and come up with your wallet and your health both intact.

Below are 11 Smart Swaps to Keep Your Wallet and Body Healthy.

1. Frozen berries for fresh berries. – Fresh berries are among the most expensive health foods, especially fresh berries that are out of season. You can maintain your wallet and your health by switching out frozen berries for fresh berries. Frozen berries retain all of the nutrients of fresh berries, without retaining the price. Shoppers also do not have to worry about eating frozen berries before they spoil!

2. Quick oats for instant oatmeal. – Instant oatmeal is more expensive because you pay for the “convenience” of not having to make the oatmeal. However, there are many added sugars to instant oatmeal, and quick oats are really not that much more difficult to make. Simply place the quick oats in Tupperware, and add hot water to them once you get to work. Sweeten your breakfast with berries that you have thawed while you drove!

3. Kale chips for potato chips. – Potato chips are chock full of preservatives and extra fats. If you simply bake sea salt seasoned kale chips at 350 degrees for 15 minutes, you get the exact same taste for a fraction of the price, and the snack is healthier to boot.

4. Canned salmon for fresh salmon – Fresh salmon is one of the most expensive fish per pound at the deli. Canned salmon retains its nutritional value at a fraction of the cost.

5. Tofu for whey protein powder – Believe it or not, tofu works just fine in protein smoothies for a fraction of the cost of whey protein powder.

6. Nuts and dried fruit for Larabars – Any convenience bar has a price tacked on for convenience. Skip the preservatives and the convenience charge by simply eating nuts and dried fruit mixes, which come prepackaged, or you can just make them yourself.

7. Plan for meals vs. winging it – Planning for meals ahead of time saves cash, as buying items piecemeal tends to cost more. You also save in gas by not traveling many times to the grovery store.

8. Use What You Have vs. Wasting it – There are always those few items in the fridge that never get used and waste your money. Poke around before you go buying new things, and see what you can do with what you already have.

9. Planning for your schedule vs. Winging it – If you plan for when you will be home, you will save on the convenience cost of going out.

10. Bruised produce for Perfect produce – Bruised produce is only skin deep. Simply cut that part out if you are scared of it!

11. Buying staples in bulk vs. Piecemeal – Save money on bulk buys of things you use constantly.