How to Lower my Blood Pressure Quickly ?

High blood pressure is a health concern for many and there are times when we want to quickly lower it. But, how can this be accomplished?

What Are the Best Ways to Lower Blood Pressure?
One of the best ways to lower blood pressure is to lose some weight. The most effective way to do this is of course, to eat less and exercise more. Now, if you are extremely overweight, it is important that you exercise in moderation and with some guidance from your physician. And, instead of eating foods high in sugar and carbohydrates, focus more on protein, fish and salads. Orange juice is great but drink it in moderation because it is high in calories.

What Else Can Lower Blood Pressure Quickly?
Eating celery can also lower your blood pressure. In addition, reduce the amount of sodium you are consuming. Celery will lower your blood pressure quickly because it is a natural diuretic. Consuming less salt will also lower your blood pressure quickly. When you lower your salt intake, you can sometimes reduce your blood pressure by 2 to 8 mm Hg. You can decrease your salt intake by keeping a food diary, by reading food labels and eating fewer processed foods such as chips, bacon and processed lunch meat and consuming more fresh items such as apples, celery, salads and fish.

What Else Can I Do to Lower My Blood Pressure?
You can also lower your blood pressure by limiting the amount of alcohol you drink and by staying away from smoking and second-hand smoke. Alcohol and smoking are known to accelerate blood pressure; so avoid and limit them, at all costs. In addition, reduce your stress by exercising and monitoring your blood pressure.