Plan a Low Sodium Diet Menu to Reduce Salt for High Blood Pressure and Hypertension

Low Salt Diet Menu…Following the Mediterranean Diet
A low salt diet: you aim to achieve it, you try to follow it, you hope to find one that works for you. However, with so many processed foods being incredibly high in sodium, how can you escape the high sodium craze?

Obviously low salt diets are a benefit for high blood pressure, as well as for hypertension, but where are all of the low salt diets hiding? It’s simple: the foods that contain the least amount of sodium are actually right under your nose. It’s just harder to notice because processed foods are plentiful and distract you from what is really important in your low sodium diet.

So, in what ways can you create your own low salt diet plan? For starters, stick with fresh produce, such as fruit and vegetables. Not only will they reduce your sodium intake but they’re better for you. Also, keep an eye out for packaged foods that are labeled “low sodium” or “no sodium.” When flavoring your food, don’t use salt.

Consider herbs and spices of different kinds to amp up the flavor and cut the sodium intake. Finally, one of the hardest hitters with sodium is going out to eat. When out at a restaurant, ask for your meal to be prepared without salt, that way you can add it yourself on the side if you so choose (which even then, remember it should be less than a teaspoon so don’t overdo it).
low salt diet plan
Also, if getting a meal with salad dressing, ask for the dressing on the side so you control how much goes on your food. These tips will keep you healthy and in control.

What are some examples of a low sodium menu? provided the following menu based around low sodium:
For breakfast, “1 slice whole wheat toast, 1 tbsp raspberry jelly, oatmeal, 1 orange, and 1 glass 1% or skim milk.”

For a snack, “chop and combine 1 tbsp nuts (optional), 1 apple (cored), 1 stalk of celery, 1 6 ounce low fat yogurt.”

For lunch, “(The first 5 ingredients can be combined for a salad or you can have a salad and sandwich) 1 cup lettuce, 1/2 cup tomato, 1/2 cup avocado, 3 oz of lean meat, poultry or fish, 1 ounce low fat or nonfat cheese, 1-2 slices whole wheat bread, 1-2 tsp Non fat salad dressing (for salad only), 1 tbsp miracle whip or mustard (for sandwich only), glass of water with lemon slice.”

Finally, for dinner: “3 oz lean meat, 1 c. ea. sliced carrots / zucchini, diced 1 potato, 1 pepper, 1 peeled onion season with rosemary, thyme, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/8 c. oil. (Heat on med. for 20 minutes.), 1 slice of whole wheat bread, 1 glass 1% or skim milk, 1 cup grapes.”

These are just some examples of how to create a healthy, balanced, and low sodium diet for yourself. If you stick to tips like these, you’ll be on your way to a salt free diet in no time!